Red Chair Leadership Immersion “was a game-changer for me”.
In November, I facilitated the first virtual offering of Red Chair Leadership Immersion. For obvious reasons, we could not meet in person.
Over four consecutive Friday mornings, we talked about important things like our strengths, habits, confidence, organizational awareness and energy.
One of the goals is to get really clear on your personal leadership vision which requires clarity that comes from exercising your curiosity and having the courage to look within.
In a short period of time, women opened up as they found and contributed to the safe and trusted space of Red Chair.
Here is how one of the women described her experience.
An incredible journey that ends with new perspective and empowerment. I used to think that empowerment was about giving people tools so they could “do better work”, but now I see that it’s about helping people recognize the power that is already inside them and facilitating the release of that power.
Red Chair Leadership Immersion is different than many leadership programs. It can change how you see yourself, help you gain clarity about what you want to do and how you want to do it.
Through a virtual delivery platform, it doesn’t matter where you are.
The next offering of Red Chair Leadership Immersion starts Friday, February 12, 2021.
Are you curious?
Then send me a note at to see if this is the right time for an immersive experience that will set you up to lead yourself first so that you can lead and influence others in 2021.