September Reflect & Renew Retreat @ Red Chair Ranch - Taking Time to “Be”

The act of ‘being’ brings us clarity from which to choose and to act.

The act of ‘being’ brings us clarity from which to choose and to act.

Sunday, September 19, 2021.

A summer-like fall day.

Four women with their own intentions.

One man, curious about Red Chair for men.

A circle of trust. Established as we accepted the invitation of the Red Chair.

The horses nearby. Sensing our energy. Waiting for us to engage with them.

Feeder with filter.jpg

What you would have seen if you were here.

Annie showing very clearly with whom she was going to partner.

“You choose me”.

Two humans, entering the pen while Annie nosed the folding chair, placed there because of an injured knee.

The chair lying on the ground.

“You won’t be needing this.”

Annie clearly connecting.

Not asking for much movement.

Her herd on the other side of the gate.

“We are choosing you too”.




Jack coached twice this Retreat.

The first interaction was one of invitation.

Requiring a feeling of assuredness before Jack would engage.

Then horse and human, walking side by side.

Then Jack pushing gently from behind.

A tender embrace as Jack stood still.

Playfulness as Jack suggested she stand in the tire. Which she did while Jack stood beside her.




Blaze, the least experienced coach. Her herd making it very obvious that they were supporting her from the other side of the fence.

Blaze, offering tenderness.

Asking her human to be present.

And when she was, horse and human, joined up, walking side by side.

“She knew what I needed today.”

A gentle hug as she thanked Blaze for connecting with her.


Tears of release.

Feeling Understood.

Jack, coaching again.

“I feel afraid.”

“What are you afraid of?” I asked.

“He’s so big.”

She worked through the fear. To a place of playfulness.

Walking, then jogging, then dancing around the pen with Jack.

“Jack, you made me dance!” She laughed as she said it.

Jack running into the shelter. “Come and get me.” Which she did.




Each woman receiving what she needed.

Learning from each other’s experience.

Having more to reflect on.

Taking something away that will enable her to . . .

  • gain clarity

  • take an action

  • see her life a little differently.

  • live her life a little differently.

It was a beautiful day.

Exactly how it was supposed to be.

Thank you to the women who chose to be in their Red Chairs and who trusted me, my herd and each other.

Thank you to my herd who continue to amaze me as they show us humans what we need to see so we can live our authentic self.

Are you curious how a horse can help you

  • be a better leader?

  • live in greater alignment with your values?

  • contribute to a better world?

I invite you to reach out for a chat.

Red Chair Ranch - Where Horses Help Humans Discover

Red Chair Ranch - Where Horses Help Humans Discover


POP-UP Reflect & Renew Retreat - Thursday, October 7th.


What Red Chair Leadership Immersion Can Do For You