What Can a Horse Teach Me?


“I think Jack can teach me about vulnerability.”

When you come for a coaching session with the herd at Red Chair Ranch, we sit down to talk about what you want coaching on today.

On this particular day, there were three things that were bubbling up.

She chose one.

We went through a process of becoming more body centered and then she met Annie and Jack.

Jack made it clear that he was going to coach today.

As we prepared her to go into the round pen, Jack reached over the gate, gently nudging his nose against her head.

More than once.

Clearly connected.

Offering signs of what we may want to explore.

It didn’t take long after introducing herself to Jack that she said, “I think Jack can teach me about vulnerability.”

As the human coach, I wondered how this would relate to our coaching topic.

It did.

Of course it did.

It always does.

I trusted what was emerging.

The session unfolded.

Finishing with Jack being sent around the round pen.

Trusting herself to send this 1200 pound animal at a trot around her.

Trusting him. That she would be safe.



Vulnerability celebrated.

She thanked Jack with a hug.

Grateful for what he helped her see today.


There is more to this story, of course.

But that is for those who were present.

If you are curious about exploring you in the presence of a horse, coaching with horses at Red Chair Ranch is where horses help humans discover.

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It is when we have the courage to look within, that we can truly lead ourselves and others. - S. Leppky


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