Clearing Out to Make Room to Grow


This barn served a purpose for many years. It is now gone.

A lot happened this week at Red Chair Ranch.

Structures that had a specific use for many years are now gone.

The ground has been leveled.

The road has been built up.

Space has been opened to create something new.

The ground is the foundation from which everything else gets built.

The ground is the foundation from which everything else gets built.

We are doing this to bring our herd home.

Our horses whose job is to coach humans.

There is more work to do. And we are well on our way.

As I reflected upon the work we accomplished this week, I couldn’t help but think about the impact of the pandemic.

What once worked, may not be working for us now.

We are communicating through screens, or masks, or not at all.

Our brains our working differently to help us notice, hear, connect.

Many of our emotions are heightened with increased stress and anxiety.

It is a time in our lives that is challenging many of us to reassess, realign, and re-engage with ourselves in ways we may not have before.

Like the work that happened at Red Chair Ranch this week, I ask you the question, how is this pandemic impacting you?

What is your foundation from which you build your life and make your choices?

What needs clearing out in your life so that you can grow and heal and come away with greater alignment with who you are.

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Coaching with Horses at Red Chair Ranch can help you find answers to those questions. My herd and I are waiting to serve you.

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We Build from Our Foundation


Being True to Oneself