Acknowledging Others – A Lesson from Annie

Annie and I in field.jpg

Annie is an intelligent and perceptive mare. She is very cognizant of what she is sensing and hearing around her, and therefore, some days, she can get distracted.

When this happens, the more cognizant I am of my energy and establishing a connection with her, the greater the likelihood that we will accomplish our tasks.

She is a sentient being. She is constantly sensing the energy around her. When I am with her, it is important for me to be present and respectful of her and what she is experiencing. This enables me to take a more purposeful approach to the work that I want to do in partnership with her.

Hmmm, sounds a little like what it takes to lead.

As a leader, when I took the time to acknowledge what others were experiencing, I was able to adjust my approach. It might have meant taking some time to listen when I knew I had other things to do. It might have meant helping them work through a block. In some cases, it might have meant adjusting my expectations.

As leaders, in this fast-paced world of instant almost anything, I invite you to consider this lesson from Annie. We work in a system of people and competing energy. When we are able to take the time to consider what those around us are experiencing, it gives us data about how to best partner with them so that everyone can experience success.

This is what happens with Annie and I when I take the time to pause, sense, think and then act.


Making Space to Be Me.


Leading Authentically Requires Courage