Creating Clarity from Within Name


Are you unsure of how to navigate something in your life right now?

Perhaps you have a question and are unsure of the answer.

After participating in Creating Clarity from Within you will:

  • Learn how to clarify what is keeping you from making a meaningful impact in your life and with those around you

  • Explore aspects about yourself that can help you courageously move forward with greater clarity and confidence

  • Identify and claim your strengths that will energize and inspire you to make breakthroughs in your life

  • Create a plan that leverages your unique skills, experiences, and connections, empowering you to make big decisions that create change

Additionally, you will:

  • Learn how the intuitive power of horses can help us be better humans and support us on our leadership journey

  • Hear how stepping into your courage can change your life from leaders who have benefited from the Red Chair experience

  • Explore the intelligence of your head and your heart and how you can turn that into action steps to fulfillment

What you’ll get

  • Six introspective modules

  • Videos with each module where Shannon walks you through each step in the process

  • Downloadable worksheets with thought-provoking questions to help you reflect on you and your situation

  • Hear how stepping into your courage can change your life from leaders who have benefited from the Red Chair experience

  • Learn how the intuitive power of horses can help us be better humans and support us on our leadership journey

  • Explore the intelligence of your head and your heart and how you can turn that into action steps to fulfillment

Enroll Now to Begin Creating Clarity

Enroll Now to Begin Creating Clarity

A Guided Red Chair Course that Teaches You How to Coach Yourself
One time

Learn how to coach yourself and create a plan that aligns with what's important to you so you can have the influence that you want to have in the world.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • You can add coaching calls to help guide you through the program. Book a free 30-minute call to learn about options.

  • Yes you can! Use this course as often as you like. And as you learn the steps in the process, you will find that you begin asking yourself some of the powerful questions any time you are seeking clarity. They will become part of how you process opportunities and questions.

  • The process works regardless of the topic. This course has been used by individuals with questions in both areas of their life and they have found the answers within them that they needed.