Recognizing What We Need to Release . . .
Over the past couple of months, the Red Chair Ranch herd and I have had the privilege of providing a safe space for individuals and teams to acknowledge what they are holding onto.
And talking about how releasing those things will enable them to be and to lead with greater ease and joy.
Acknowledging that this requires us to step into courageous curiosity and be vulnerable.
It seems that this is a need for many of us. Particularly after the past two and a half years.
Whether its the impact of a difficult relationship.
Carrying guilt for ‘not doing enough’.
Feeling like we let others down.
Frustrated at a system that doesn’t seem to value our expertise and gifts.
We often do not realize that each of those thoughts and others like them, are held within us.
They sit not only in our thinking brain, but in our feeling brain and in our body.
They suck our energy.
They impact our physical and emotional well being.
And they keep us from using our gifts and talents to their fullest.
It is when we have the courage to acknowledge and release those thoughts, that we can begin to create, stand in our power, and have the impact that we desire to have in the world.
One way to begin this journey is to begin with some meaningful self reflection.
Creating Clarity from Within takes you through a process that you can use to work through a problem, change or opportunity.
You can do so on your own.
Or add some support and accountability with 3 group coaching calls starting September 27, 2022.
If you are ready for an onsite, sensory experience, reach out to talk about coaching with the Red Chair Ranch herd.
“It is when we have the courage to look within that we can truly lead ourselves and others”