Courageous Curiosity Leads to Clarity
This month it is four years since Annie and I began our partnership.
It was born from a place of curiosity about whether horses can coach humans to be better leaders.
It took courage to act on this curiosity.
What has resulted was unexpected.
Required resilience.
Stretched me further than I have been stretched before.
It has offered me spaces of walking alongside humans with either a bubbling that something needs to change or who are experiencing a transition and want to lead themselves and others through it in a way that is authentic to them.
It has offered me the opportunity to further explore what it means to lead from the head . . .
And the heart . . .
It has affirmed for me that to lead others, we need to lead ourselves first.
I am grateful that I listened to the ‘bubbling’ and acted on courageous curiosity.
I am grateful to Annie who is wise and gracious.
If you are in a place where you want to step into courageous curiosity, let’s talk.