How Horses are Good for Our Emotional Well-Being
Lately, as I talk with individuals about coaching with horses, I find myself telling stories about the experiences individuals have had at Red Chair Ranch.
Below is a story from a beautiful woman who spent a day with me and my herd. I am sharing it with permission.
Late last summer, I spent a beautiful day outside with Shannon at Red Chair Ranch. In preparation for the day, I completed an inventory, reflected upon myself as a leader and the environment that I had left. I came with a clear intention to heal as I transitioned into my new role.
I was struggling with my role as a Manager and missing parts of myself that I knew were there, parts that I knew I wanted to reclaim.
After a morning of good conversation, we moved to spend time with the horses.
Shannon and I talked about how horses help us and what we can learn from them, about how they experience life. And then I got to meet my potential coaches.
First Jack.
Then Annie.
They were each in their own round pen. Free to do as they pleased. Free to respond to me as they chose.
As I approached Annie, I was tied up with apprehension, fear, shame, agitation, pain, and fatigue.
Annie responded in same, circling the ring, kicking up.
Was she excited?
Calling out to the horses next door.
For reinforcement?
I began to cry.
Shannon quietly came and stood beside me and in her calm expertise, took time to ground me with mindfulness techniques.
I began to shed the layers of trauma, and the negative feelings that I was carrying.
Annie's circling stopped.
And she waited for me.
As I entered the ring Annie greeted me, her head up, shoulders down, welcoming this leader - me.
We proceeded to spend what seemed like hours walking, breathing, shedding the fears, shame, embarrassment of years of doubt, frustration and anger.
Underneath and inside, the authentic me emerged. With some help from my coaches, human and horse, I moved into an experience of what being in purpose felt like.
I left Red Chair Ranch that day, feeling revived. I had let go and welcomed in.
Energy. Feelings. Purpose.
I frequently replay this day in my mind when I find myself slipping into inauthentic qualities.
My hands on Annie's back breathing in sync.
A moment in time of peace, tranquility and joy.
I am going back this summer to continue my work.
Are you curious? Let’s chat.