Coming Home . . .
What does it mean to come home?
Is home . . .
a physical space?
a feeling?
about being with “our” people?
about living out our purpose?
Last week, our herd came home to Red Chair Ranch.
And it feels good.
What Makes Red Chair Ranch home for our herd?
I knew the first time I walked in the snow on a cold January day in 2020, that there was something special about this place. The mature trees. The stillness. The pond. A spot perfect for my 2 round pens where I coach with my herd.
I knew that this physical place was perfect to create Red Chair Ranch. I knew that this place was going to become our new home.
Is home a physical space? Yes, and . . .
There is a feeling that many people have when they are at Red Chair Ranch. There is a sense of calm, of peace, of invitation to slow down and get in touch with oneself. The horses amplify this feeling and they create a safe space to go inwards.
It can be scary at times, acknowledging what we feel. Our emotions provide important information for us. When we acknowledge them and when we leverage the information they provide, we can experience freedom, clarity, peace, understanding.
Is home a feeling? Yes, and . . .
Annie, Jack and Blaze know who their people are. They know who cares for them. They know who loves them and who shares their purpose.
Is home about “our” people? Yes, and . . .
I believe that Annie knew before I did that her ‘job’ is to coach. I believe that Jack knows that it is his job too. They provide a safe space, responding to our energy and helping us on our journey to live our authentic self, about what it means to lead ourselves and others.
Will they live out their purpose here at Red Chair Ranch? I believe that they will. And I believe that they will continue to do great things for the humans who come with a curious head and an open heart. Humans who know that to lead, to influence and to impact our world, requires us to lead ourselves first.
Is home living in alignment with our purpose? Yes.
What is Home for You?
The pandemic has challenged many of us about what is important to us.
Taking the time to explore ourselves, how we are, and who we are with others, provides the opportunity to create clarity about our purpose, our people, our space and about how we feel. And it is this kind of clarity from which we can make conscious choices that enable us to be “at home”. It is from this place that we can live and lead intentionally from the head and the heart.
Has this piqued your curiosity? Is it time to explore, to be, to heal, and to come home?
The invitation is here for you to book a call and talk about what a coaching with horses session can look like for you.
Come and experience coaching with horses at Red Chair Ranch this summer!